With four eggs bruh, you got ta be focused. I’M talking about this kind of focus: hey sexy, yo. What’S up just catching these pips, i got something you can catch. What herpes? Oh my god, i’m good love! If it ain’t these pips, i don’t want it. [. Music ], what’s going on you guys it’s your boy, jerry cash, live and direct with another valuable video for you did y’all like that. That’S lit huh, oh in the world, full of hey. We got an anime. You feel me that’s what we own right now but hey. If it’s your first time subscribing. Thank you make sure you comment your cash shots below, because i do do giveaways. You feel me whenever i withdraw my bread or whenever you two pay me. I do giveaways as a thank you for subscribing getting closer to that 100k mark all right, but today’s video is going to be about the nba strategy, never broke again strategy that i’ve been using for the past week and a half and i’ve been killing with it. You feel me, i’m gon na show you how to use it, how to set it up. Let me show you my likes and dislikes about it. How i used it, you know uh what you should do and what not to do you know with the strategy and things like that. So with that being said before we get into it, make sure you thumbs this video up a million times. Man get that that thumbs up so that way youtube can post my videos to other people. You know i’m saying get it seen even more, but i ain’t gon na talk your ears off man. So let’s get straight into the strategy. It’S time to get that money. You are now looking at a money machine. You feel me if you do this right. Oh my god, you ain’t gon na, never need a stimulus check again, even so stay tuned and watch even me, all right so check this out y’all. So this right here is the nba never broke again strategy. Usually, i’ve been testing this for a straight week, zero losses until the next week and then i got cooked, but i’m gon na tell y’all why i got cooked you know, but i did trade this strategy for a whole week. So, look, let me break this down to you. First thing you need is a rsi, so you want to come down here. Grab your rsi drag it on all right now. Mine is custom and i’ll go over that in a minute. First thing you need to do as far as just setting your rsi up is right. Clicking on the chart, click indicator list. I named mine, the nba rsi, because it’s custom and i’ll go over that in a minute all right but hit edit. Alright first thing you want to do is come over here to your levels. Alright, you want to click on the levels tab, the first level at the highest point. You want to make 82 all right now. Mine may not show up, because you know i got some things going on with it, but we’ll go over that in a minute all right. So then, second level, you want to do 75 all right, so you want to put highest point sale on your 82 overbought sale on your 70 uh 75. Then the 25. You want to put 25. If you don’t know how to add just add another level. 25, put oversold by my back [ Music ], dropping my microphone and stuff. You feel wrong with your boy, then at the last one you want to do um 16 and put lowest point by all right. Then you just hit okay and you good all right. You good so boom hit. Okay, all right now repeat this y’all. The whole goal of this strategy is to get this bag good, all right to find some of the best entry points in the world. You feel me so this is what we’re looking at when the market shoots up anywhere between 75 82, like 84.85, it’s coming down hard. It’S coming down period. You know what i’m saying it’s coming down when they get to that highest point coming down, as you can see right here what it do hit right at that 82 right here at the 82. This is 82 right here and how many pips did we get? Oh, my lord 864 pips. Now this is on a higher time frame. The higher time frames kill with this strategy long term, all right, you catch this on the higher time frames long term, you want to be a long-term trader or you’re going to eat, especially if it’s on the downtrend, you feel me, you’re gon na eat all right. What happened over here, though, when you get to this lowest point so basically at 75, depending on what you know, if you’re doing like 15 minute chart m5 m1 things like that quick scallops um, what happens is when it gets to the 75. You want to be looking right. You want to be looking to make sure that you know it’s going to go in your direction, all right so usually when it hits 75. I’M looking at the market, i’m not immediately getting in i’m looking because a lot of times what happens is it’ll get to 75 and then the momentum will take it from 75 to around like 80, something and at the 80s i’ll usually get in. Sometimes every now and then i’ll get in at 75, but i’ll get in at a lower lot size uh, just to make sure so i may get in there like point zero. Two, if i wasn’t sure and then if it keeps going up, then i’m only losing like a dollar or something right versus trying to get in at a standard and then getting eight up on the way back up and then trying to catch it on the way. Back down, so what i do is as soon as i see it hit 75 uh, i’m watching now. If i, if i’m confident it’s gon na drop i’ll hop in based off like support resistance or something right, but um, usually at 75, i’m watching see it start to go. 76. 77 78 get up there to the 80s, i’m like boom. It don’t matter, stand at the top. You know, i’m saying i’m riding it back down same thing down here, though right when it gets to this 25. As you can see right here, you got here in this 25 mark and what happened bounce, but the same rules apply now on hard time frames. Most of the time, it’s going to respect that that 25 um on the like on the 15 minute. It’S gon na go lower than 25, sometimes like it might go to 25 and go straight up or it may um bounce off. I mean uh get to 25. Go up a little bit go back down to like around like uh, 16 15 and then shoot back up all right. So that’s what i’ve been noticing over the week that i’ve been testing it. So you can see right here what happened boom shot straight up. This is on a higher time frame, but it respects it. As you can see right here got in his zone, 75 82 got in his own sail. Boom drop every time right here, perfect drop, you know what i’m saying: killer, killer entries and killer uh. You know it’s just it’s just what it is so right here now. This is on a higher time frame. It got down to the 16 mark. What i tell y’all i got down to the 16 mark turn green mine, see mine, turn green when they pass those levels, and i get an alert to my phone i’ll. Show you how to do that as well. All right so soon as it come down here. Turn green bounced off the moment turned blue and i know i’m good, but either way hit that 16 i’m buying. This is what i’m putting on my standards and stuff like that at the lowest point. What i’m saying is shot up. How many pips was this now like? I said this is on a higher time frame, so it’s gon na be a lot more pips, but this right here was about 159 pips. You see that i hope y’all catching this man, i’m getting out of sauce, i’m giving out a sauce for the free if you all right boom. What happened right here, 82. Respect to that 82 right here. What happened? Drop do drop all right time frames. Now, let’s go to like the 15 minutes, so i can show y’all something it works. The same way on the 15 minutes. Y’All same way look respect the 75. It may be a little higher than 75 because let me hover over it and see that we looking at 77, so this got to like 77 past the 75 got the 77 drop. All right i mean hey, it’s been proven. Like i said, i didn’t: did it a week straight, zero losses, all right did it matter of fact. Let me show y’all right, quick. Let me show y’all right, quick all right, so i deposited 900 921 on the 29th of may all right and then i just start cooking on the first of june. Y’All see it first of june. This is a whole week boom nine dollars right there. You know point zero lot on gold standard on gold, 118 dollars, two standards on euro usd same strategy, all just the same strategy; y’all six hundred and twelve dollars on that, then i did a withdrawal had to withdraw that bread right got down here. I made another withdrawal 739 when i made some more money right here: 510 dollars here off of two standards, told you i’ll be doing two standards. A lot of these were sales. Remember i told you i sell big at the very top all right, uh uh 32 dollars made right there. Then i did another withdrawal right here. 519 withdrawal y’all see it all right, keep it going three standards at the top of a euro usd probably that drop. That drop i showed y’all on the four hour or wherever it was 15 uh, but 477 right. There. Three standards right point: one: zero nineteen dollars: three standards: 131 dollars. I won’t play no games. Still, ain’t all lost your head, nope gold, one standard 72, still going all in the span of a week, look at the dates: ncd usd 96 same same trade again: 94. 94. 17. Cooking, the markets. With this strategy, y’all i’m not playing no games. You know it works, it works. It works all right so boom. Let’S keep going all right, so this can be for quick scallops on like on like the 15, the five minute, the one minute these can be for quick scouts and stuff as well, um, and so, like i say, i’m gon na hover over this one. This one got to 80 before it dropped. It dropped right here you just line it straight up, go straight up from where it was out, and this is where it was at right here – boom right at 80 drop pips. How many pips was this from the top to the bottom 47 pips. You know what i’m saying easy. All right came back up. Did it again drop minimal drawdown? What i’m saying so i want y’all to test this stuff out in your demo, play around with it and cook cook the markets right here. What happened touch the 20 touch the 25 right here at the 25. You feel me right here on the dotted line. What happened shot straight up? How many pips was that boom easy? Then it kept going like if you want to you, want to calculate it after 127, but you know what i’m saying: they’ve been good with a couple like 43 pips, i’m good with it now sometimes, like i say, sometimes on the 15. What happens is right at right at the 25 it’ll go up right, sometimes it’ll go a little below the 25 and go up, but what i’ve been seeing like right after 25 usually tries to go up and then it’ll come back down. If it’s on a downtrend. Now, if it’s on the downtrend, then you know you might catch one of these. You see it was a downtrend boom came below, you might catch one of these and it may continue down. You know um so be on the lookout for that all right, so uh it does get as high as like up here. This was like, was it a little bit above? It got to 88 right here, and i was turning green on me. You know. Let me know: hey it’s way over it’s way over, you know what i’m saying so sell time. I happen to start selling from here to here. It’S about 25 pips. Now, like i said, depending on how the setup is, you can look at it yourself and say: hey this ain’t, something i want to trade. I ain’t gon na trade that when i’m awake on another one, you know what i’m saying, but you got all these examples of right here hit that 75 drop. You know what i’m saying: pips minimal drawdown, because it’s getting you at the highest point. That’S what it’s doing it’s getting you at the highest point and the lowest point now i will show y’all that i did get cooked now. Let me show y’all how and why all right, let me back this out. Let me back this out. It was on a monday, mondays are trap days. Y’All i’ve been, you know. I knew that you know i’m saying, but you know mondays are trap days and they will trap you and they will do some crazy stuff right. Also, when news happens, they will do some crazy stuff to the market so be on the lookout. For that i’m trying to find a trade. Let me i’m gon na have to back all the way out to see where the rsi was like extremely low y’all. I’M talking about that rsi was low low. There we go right there. Boom y’all see this right here. This is where i got cooked at uh all right, so i got down to like a nine. Let me see uh yeah. It got down to nine okay. I was trying to move it again, but it got down to nine on this drop right. So let me come down. Let me show you how much i got cooked y’all eleven hundred dollars sheesh, you probably like what the heck. First and foremost, i didn’t use the stop loss to take profit. You know, i just you know a lot of times. I don’t use them my fault, but let me tell you what happened, though, all right, so let me see if i can put, let me see if i can put this right here so i know like uh my bad. I need to put this right here, so i know where i’m supposed to be at when i zoom in so because i want y’all to get up close and personal. You know what i’m saying. Let me take this off boom all right here we go so this is where it was at right here it was the night before christmas and i got cooked all right here. We go boom yeah, so we got down like eight. My bad got down to like eight y’all, or so i got down to eight now, that’s very rare. Let me tell you something that don’t happen, a lot that happens either when high news or on mondays it happens on mondays it’s crazy day. So mondays is usually not most traders favorite day to trade. Most people, don’t trade on one day so should have known that. Of course, i did know that i just wanted to try to get it in, because i was hot. You know i’m saying that’s what happens. Uh, but look so the market was coming down right. What happened is it crossed the uh, the 25? So i was looking at it when the cross 25 didn’t hop hopping right got down to 16 shoots. You know me, i hit a buy. What you mean i hit a buy immediately when i hit the buy the market started. Shooting up right. I was up 200. You can see. I put a two standard up. I was like 240, so i decided i said his lowest point. I’M gon na walk away from the computer walked away from the computer. You feel me came back and i was down negative 700

I said wait a minute what’s going on at that time, the market had dropped down to like probably like 12 or something right, i’m like. Ah so i was looking at. I was waiting it just kept going down. I said what is going on so then it dropped all the way down to eight and then reversed. I said wow never saw that before, but then i forgot mondays are trap days. They trap you so tip on a typical day, usually when they get down to 16, maybe 15 it’ll reverse, but on trap days, the the market makers they trying to cook. You know what i’m saying they’re trying to get rid of you. So, just let you know mondays is trap days. Most traders, trade, tuesdays, um, wednesdays, thursdays, fridays and mondays usually trap days sundays. The spread be super wide, so just be careful on those kind of days. So that’s just a you know, a lesson learned, but after that i started cooking the markets again and it was nothing. So that’s what had happened on that day, but uh. Let me go to like uh a different pair. Let me go to i’m gon na. Go to usd cad all right, um and i’m gon na put i’m gon na put the um nba rsi on there as well. Oh, but real, quick, real, quick y’all before i do that um did i get alerts, so i get alerts whenever the market goes. Um past 75, when the market goes past 75, i get alert to my phone all right. It turns green. This turns green. I get alert to my phone saying: hey, it’s overbought, look for sale or when it turns green down here it sends me alert if you want to learn how to do that. Let me show you how to do that. First and foremost, you want to go to tools. You want to go to options all right, then you want to come down um to notifications. You want to uncheck this. This box set right here at the bottom. You want to uncheck that one and you want to make sure this one is checked. Then you got to get your medical id off your phone, so you need to go to metatrader on your phone. So we’ll show you how to do that now. Okay, so now i’m on the phone, the first thing you want to do is click your tab. That shows your settings all right. Then you want to go down here to settings at the bottom click that then you want to come all the way down here where it says, messages all right and it says meta quotes id all right now on iphone. It may look different. You got to find your settings find your meta quotes id and you want to type that id you want to. You know copy that id or write it down and then i’m about to go back to my screen and show you where to put it. Okay, now after you get metatrader after you’ve done that on your phone after you copy that you want to paste that here and just click test it’ll, send you a text message to your phone and then, whenever uh, you have an a indicator, any indicator really. That has push alerts so how you find out if it has push alerts, you click on indicator list i’ll, go here, click on edit and then i’ll go to inputs. All right now inputs, it’s iman, says, do alerts most of the time on any other indicator, say push alerts. If you have that on there under inputs, then that means whatever indicator you have on here. It’Ll. Send you a push alert? So if you have like the shark out of the water on there, you can go uh. Add that as well. Things like that and it’ll send you push alerts when the shark is out of the water stuff, like that uh. Just any just check your indicators and you’ll be able to. You know see that, but so i got this um. This is a custom rsi though the regular rsi doesn’t come with this. I actually got this rsi from uh trading heroes. I have no clue who these people are. I just googled it because i was interested in trying to find out how to do it. Um i paid 30 for it, like i said, i’m not affiliated with them or nothing. I just didn’t want to take it first. I was going to get away for free to y’all, but i don’t think it’s fair to them. To do that. You know i mean because they probably put work into this and i want them to get their bread, so i don’t know them, i’m not affiliated with them. So if you want to, you know, get the same indicator completely up to you, you ain’t got to buy it. I’M just saying i bought it because i was interested in it. You feel me but yeah. So that’s how you do the push alerts to your phone and stuff like that y’all. So that way you don’t got a [ __ ] on screen all day. If you got something to do, they’ll just send you alerts kind of like a signal to your phone and it was like hey it’s overbought on this one, the m1. You know what i’m saying we’re on the m5 and you can go hear it by hopping. In trades, that’s how i was going killing the game you for me, um, so yeah, but yeah same rules apply like on all of these uh all of these same rules of plot. So let me zoom out. Let me go like to like a boom y’all see how that how that popped up alert. You know what i’m saying it. Let me know, look i don’t know which one was that which one was that usd cad on the four hour cross down into oversold. Did that just happen? Oh snap, all right! So uh! Let me see! Oh, i think i missed that one. I think i missed that one because it crossed down to oversold probably right here, but that’s the kind of alert you will get all right so boom. Let me back out: that’s where the market is at now, but as you can see, y’all what happened up here. I ain’t doing my levels again, so i’m going to show y’all right here. This was 85 drop straight dropped down to like ooh 500, something pips off of that drop, so on the higher time frames you’re gon na get. You know a lot more pips things like that uh right here. Let me see where this rsi was. The rsi was at 21 on this one still in between the uh, 25 and 16, and it shot straight up. You would have got 108 pips off of that. You see what i’m saying so it works on all time frames. Y’All y’all can kill with it, use it to your advantage to cook the markets, because these jobs don’t care about you. They gon na hire you outside sweeping the back of the stove up for what you feel yeah. I remember the story bro, i don’t know about voucher they’re gon na do whatever they can do, but make sure that you make them rich that ain’t. What we trying to do here, you know i’m saying, look at that drop boom and i wonder what the rsi was right here. What was it just take a guess. It was a 79 man and we got this beautiful drop. Oh, my god, easy and it dropped way further than that. If you want to hold it longer, 500s on pips, stop playing with us in these markets, man, it’s the wealth family. I appreciate y’all man, hopefully just bless y’all y’all go out there and get that bag. You feel me and uh yeah man, i’m gon na leave this video right here and uh. Yeah man go make some money and let me know how this works for y’all and i’m out. Peace.